Originally Posted by longknocker
According To Cigars International, The Tatuaje Group (Miami) Is Blended In Miami By Don Pepin Garcia. The Havana VI Is Blended By Jose Pepin Garcia (His Son???) In Nicaragua. Is The Tat Havana VI Line A Cheaper, Lower Quality Line With A Completely Different Taste? I Love The Tat Line From Miami But Haven't Sampled The Havana VI Line. Thanks For All The Help, Guys! 
If I understand it correctly (and I probably don't since I'm not a huge Tat fan).
-The Brown labels are rolled in Miami.
-The Red and White labels are rolled in Nic. and due to the lower labor cost are a lower priced alternative.
-The White label is a mixed long and medium length filler.
-Jamie is Jose Don Pepin Garcia's son.
Hope this helps a little.