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Old 03-13-2010, 11:21 AM   #22
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Opened for inspection?

After thinking about this and I know they have done it in the past with humidors so I am thinking maybe it's the same deal but I wonder if they shipped them to someone, and there were damaged sticks in the box so they exchanged them and than they sent the same box out again but just marked it as opened for inspection hoping the person who got them a second time would not complain. Sounds shady but I know for a fact that they have done it with humidors in the past because a buddy of mine won a humidor from them and it came damaged so he returned it and he wrote on the box "Damaged." They sent him another which was also damaged, so again he called and they agreed to exchange it for another and low and behold the third one that came was the same one he got the first time because it had damaged in Sharpie matching what he put on the first one. With that he said F-it and returned it for a refund, and this to was through C-Bid.
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