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Old 03-13-2010, 08:58 AM   #19
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Opened for inspection?

Originally Posted by nayslayer View Post
that is odd, you want to think its for quality control, but if you have some bum sticks in there, i wonder if they were up to shenanigans
I wonder about this too as the it seems rather unlikely that both boxes had been inspected prior to leaving their facility and both had a bunch of bum sticks in them. Unless of course they have a blind guy doing their inspections. I have never had any of my packages opened so it is weird nonetheless. I'm wondering if they swapped sticks out figuring who ever won them would be fine with it since they got it for a deal, well I guess you can't always think that with C-Bid as the sticks you mentioned often times go above retail. Either way I would be calling and getting an exchange and definitely letting them know my concern about the frequency in which it has happened.
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