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Old 03-12-2010, 06:57 PM   #1965
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Default Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by Darrell View Post

Skywalker and I both tried to drink that last summer and the stuff was unpalatable. He accredits throwing up in my yard to that stuff. How would you describe it's flavor and texture, I'd like to compare it to my memory.
Different strokes, I suppose, and probably different coasts. In the NorthEast while there are certainly hop heads, given the long, brutal winter nights a lot of people like their beers BIG, with the hops a balancing act, not the main attraction.

This is really well balanced between the malt and the hops. Tastes almost like vermont maply syrupy to me, with hops, floral and citrus. Certainly brown sugar, although I get more of a belgian candy taste. Malty. As good as the DFH Palo Santo I had the other night? No. But good nevertheless.

As to the throwing up....he knows this **** is 10% ABV right? Not a beer to be tossing back,