Re: Philly smoking bar?
Originally Posted by ade06
Mohogany's is the only game in town, but it's great. Your big shots will love it. As a bonus, Pete Johnson will be at Holts next Wednesday from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Several of the Philly folks are planning on rolling thru Holts next Wednesday for the event and then heading upstairs to Mahoganys after Holt's closes. I'm not sure if I can roll or not because I head for FL on Thursday morning. Also, since you'll be bringing your big shots and due to the Pete Johnson event, make sure to make a reservation at Mohogany!
Thanks!!!! Tuesday night looks more realistic as they have some 'event' planned on Wed. Last year it was in Dallas and they rented Gilley's w/ band, bull, buffet, and open bar on Wed. The bar kicked my a$$ (or it may have been the bull) so I'm assuming it will be another event like that on Wed.
Would really like to make the Holt's event. Tatuaje is a favorite...... maybe I'll try during the afternoon break....
Coldblooded,calculation,unprincipled,usurper, without a virtue,knowing nothing of commerce,political economy,or civil government,and supplying ignorance by bold presumption. Thomas Jefferson