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Old 03-05-2010, 02:10 PM   #2
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Default Re: Philly smoking bar?

Originally Posted by BigAl_SC View Post
I'm heading to Philly for a meeting next Tuesday-Thursday. The days are packed from 7am to 9pm so I'm just looking for a nice place to smoke... Staying at Loews so the Holts looks good but closes too early. 'Mahogany on Walnut' seems like a nice place and says you can bring your own so I can just pay for drinks....

Probably be smoking with 2 of the company big shots if we get any time at all. Sent them some LE CC's last year as a thank you. (suckup, suckup) Probably is why I get to go again... Any advice....
Mohogany's is the only game in town, but it's great. Your big shots will love it. As a bonus, Pete Johnson will be at Holts next Wednesday from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Several of the Philly folks are planning on rolling thru Holts next Wednesday for the event and then heading upstairs to Mahoganys after Holt's closes. I'm not sure if I can roll or not because I head for FL on Thursday morning. Also, since you'll be bringing your big shots and due to the Pete Johnson event, make sure to make a reservation at Mohogany!
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