So I did some searching, and if I overlooked an existing thread I apologize.
I am just curious, what do you guys and gals do for a living? How do you fund this sickness that we all seem to have?
I'd be happy to start. And on a side note, if you have one of those jobs that you can't tell us about without killing us, feel free to keep it to yourself
Ok, here goes,
My name is Drew and I live in Dublin, Ohio. I am currently enrolled in an American Sign Language interpreting program, so in 6 quarters or so, I hope to be looking for an interpreting job.
After I finish with that program, I have been considering an audiology program at either Ohio University or Ohio State University. I'm not sure yet. It is a 6 year program, but with transferred credits, I should have 3 years already knocked out. Or at least I hope.
So there it is. Anyone else care to share?