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Old 03-03-2010, 07:44 PM   #37
Savor the Stick
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Default Re: A .45 leaves a pretty big hole....

Originally Posted by JaKaacH View Post
Four excellent firearm safety rules from Jeff Cooper...RULE 2 relates too the toe I think....
Jeff Cooper’s

RULE 1: All guns are always loaded.

RULE 2: Never let the muzzle cover anything you
are not willing to destroy.

RULE 3: Keep your finger off the trigger until your
sights are on the target.

RULE 4: Be sure of your target. (Know what it is, what it is in line with it,
and what is behind it. Never shoot at anything you have not positively identified.)

No mechanical device has a will of its own. A gun never “goes off” unless something causes it to do so. The aspect of safety is central to gunhandling.
Memorize the four principles of firearm safety. Treat them with absolute seriousness. Burn them into your consciousness.
Yup I remember those well......still OUCH!
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