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Old 03-03-2010, 07:27 PM   #3319
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Show your latest NC purchase!

Got these today. I was supposed to be done this month and technically next month and probably May too but a buddy of mine was ordering these last week when they came back in stock and called and said, "Hey, want me to order you a box so we can save on shipping?" Me not wanting to waste a couple extra bucks on shipping when the time came that the budget actually allowed another box purchase said "Sure, order me a $99 box of cigars, we'll save a couple bucks." Plus since he ordered them there is no paper trail on my end so there is no proof that they didn't already exist here in my home although now I have the dilemma that my cabinet has zero room for these even if I unload them out of the box and the same goes for my 300 count desktop which was supposed to be used strictly as a Quarantine but it seems that the Quarantine Ward is at full capacity and is more of a rest home. So now I am faced with deciding to put a Tuppadore in service for these and if I use one that just allows the box I am good and have no further temptations or do I put my other 250 count desktop back into service which means I will still be about 200 short of full capacity after loading these the way I can pack that one which will only lead to me not being satisfied until it's full. It's a sickness I tell ya! Anyway here's the photo to keep with the title of this thread.
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