Re: How do you feel?
I feel primarily with my hand. Very little levity but thought some was needed.
I'm one of those who always believe that "when one door closes, another opens" as it has happened many times in my life. I'm currently self-employed and make a comfortable living (for my lifestyle) by design grocery circulars for 5 different groups of stores. Last week I started getting concerned because one group had to close two stores that were forced out of business by Wal-Mart. This week I had two potential new, non-grocery clients contact me out of the blue. If I land just one of those account, I will have to consider hiring a freelance to take some of the load. So, one door closed but another one is opening.
I look at the current situations with the banking and auto industry as basically the same thing. Those doors are slowly closing. The smart people will find the doors that are opening and continue on.
WARNING: I am a Southern White Male. I have a brain and I know how to use it.