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Old 03-02-2010, 11:29 AM   #372
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Default Re: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX View Post
That was a good game Kel. Loved the story line on that one too.

Am I the only one that plays all the time but still sucks ass? Seriously, I don't play it religiously like some but enough to have gotten some fairly decent weapons and racked up a few kill streaks on a regular basis but damn I swear I'm always on the bottom of the team list in terms of kill to death ratio.

I need to go to MW2 boot camp I guess LOL
My bro and I were talking about this earlier today. He is crazy, rarely does he die more than 5 times. Always has 20+ kills. He plays everyday and pretty much whenever he has free time. Me I play here and there and I don't see any chance I'm gonna get better
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