Originally Posted by Footbag
The proposal I saw was $.36 per 10 cigars, still looking for the actual budget. Didn't Florida begin taxing cigars last year? By weight ($1 per OZ)If I'm correct.
That FL Tax proposal failed as did the PA Cigar Tax last year:
April 29, 2009 – Florida’s cigar industry will apparently not have to endure even more taxation at the hands of its own state legislature.
As part of negotiations between the leadership of the state’s House of Representatives and Senate over the state’s new budget, a new $1-per-pack tax on cigarettes will be included, but no taxes will be instituted on cigars. At present, Florida is one of just three states – along with New Hampshire and Pennsylvania – that does not tax cigars.
36 cents/10 would not be a big issue for most is correct but I have read 2 articles about it and both said 30%. Of course it would not be unlike the politicians to say that 30% was about 36 cents/10.... in TX they do that sort of crap every year on property tax proposals.