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Old 02-26-2010, 05:34 AM   #173
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Default Re: Winter Olympics!!

First a skateboarder gets kicked out of the Olympic Village for "questionable" behavior involving a 20 year old woman and his bronze medal. Now Canada's Women's Hockey team is being investigated for celebrating with beer, champagne and cigars after they won the gold.,224338

I guess the message the IOC is sending is that Olympic atheletes aren't allowed to party with the opposite sex (in public), party with their team members (in public), drink or HEAVEN FORBID SMOKE A CIGAR! (But they did spend $100,000 on condoms for the athletes. I guess they don't want them reproducing)

The IOC which keeps preaching about the "Olympic tradition" should consider what the true founders of the Olympics did after their games.

And be sure to look at the photos. Those Canadian women know how to party as good as they play hockey.
WARNING: I am a Southern White Male. I have a brain and I know how to use it.

Last edited by macpappy; 02-26-2010 at 05:40 AM.
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