Originally Posted by ashtonlady
Hockey has always been boarderline on class. The only place that I know the guy can get a cut lip or a bloody nose, they take a break and go back to playing.That is part of the fun of the game.
That's hardly unique. Soccer and rugby, the sports who's World Cup's are the 2nd and 3rd largest sporting events after the Olympics, both have blood bins. In the case of rugby there's far more minor damage like you're describing than any of the other so-called tough guy contact sports where the players hide behind padding (ie. hockey and american football).
Originally Posted by Bruins Fan
I hope we get a shot at Canada and beat them again, so our neighbors to the north really have something to boo about, what a bunch of tools. 
In response to this, having spoken to several friends who were actually at GM Place for the Swiss v USA game the booing was directed at the ref's and all their missed and/or non calls towards the end of the game. Not at the US Team.