Thread: Netbooks?
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Old 02-23-2010, 06:53 PM   #20
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Default Re: Netbooks?

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty View Post
Prob your OS slowing it down. I've seen plenty of atom netbooks fly when tweaked properly. I installed jolicloud on a friends asus 1005 and it gets a 13 second boot. Even my old asus 700 running the celeron processor gets a 26 second boot with ubuntu.
Not so much the boot- it's the file swapping- that hard drive light goes on and stays on for a considerable length of time when I'm going from one email to another, opening a new web page, etc. etc. It uses Windows XP- it's an Asus EEE PC. It was worse with 1 GB RAM, but 2 has not helped that much- and one would think that 2 Gig RAM would really be enough to have a fast machine and not need the hard drive file swap so much!
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