Originally Posted by Chainsaw13
I bought the bottle based off a recommendation from one of the people at the Ford truck plant I worked with the last few weeks. He didn't steer me wrong. While down there on another trip a couple months ago, I bought the small samplers for Woodford Reserve, Basil Hayden and Buffalo Trace. All were really good but I thoroughly enjoyed the Basil Hayden. Had a completely different taste to me that I found to my liking. Not sure why I didn't pick up a bottle of that, but will when I'm sure I'll be headed back. Heaven forbid I get some free time to try the bourbon sampling at the store (Liquor Barn). But then again, the OT helps pay for all these purchases. 
Many people believe Basil Hayden is watered down Old Grand Dad. They are both Beam produced whiskey from the same mash bill.. Do yourself a favor and grab a bottle of the Bonded Old Grand Dad, (that is half the price of Basil) and add 20% water (100 proof down to Hayden's 80).
Now as to the different taste; Basil and OGD are both "high rye" bourbons - they have more rye in the mash than typical bourbon. Another good high-rye bourbon is Bulleit.
Since you enjoy high rye bourbon, you should also try Rye whiskey - in these Rye is higher percentage than the corn; at least 51%. My personal favorite to date is Rittenhouse Rye 100 proof (bottled in Bond). (I have tried these Rye Whiskeys: Jim Beam Rye, Ri, Michters, Old Overholt, Old Potrero, Pikesville, Rittenhouse, Sazerac, Wild Turkey 101 Rye)