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Old 02-17-2010, 12:03 PM   #177
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Default Re: *2010 MLB Thread*

Originally Posted by TheTraveler View Post

Now, just marking Xs on the calendar until Opening Day.

My problem is that I need to decide what team to root for. I've reached a strange point in my baseball fan life: I statyed away from MLB for 17 years. I still feel a few tugs of loyalty to my favorite teams from my teenage years but not the normal undying, FAN loyalty. It's almost as though I'm free to find new favorites, or even to root for everyone. I don't know, just rambling I guess. I'm just excited about spring training and a new season for the first time in almost two decades so I'd probably root for 9 drunk gophers if you could just put gloves and spikes on 'em and get 'em on the field!

So, who to root for?
So many choices. It's actually pretty tough to narrow down on one team. I've been a lifelong Yankees fan, but I love good baseball and often find myself rooting for teams that play good ball. And i've always had a soft spot for the Tigers, my first ball game was a Yanks/Tigers game back in 86, I find myself rooting for them when they aren't playing the Yanks.

And then sometimes I find myself rooting for the underdogs, but only in the National League. I catch a lot of Nationals games in my parts, find myself hoping they have a better year. And if they or the Yankees aren't on, i'll pretty much root for whoever is playing against the Mets
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid - Benjamin Franklin
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