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Old 02-16-2010, 07:39 PM   #41
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Default Re: Question

Originally Posted by Hick727 View Post
Im not inhaling the cigar but weed is healthier. Otherwise people wouldnt be using it for medical usage. Plus about more people die from tobacco each year then weed. Thats because no one has ever died from Marijuana.

I think you have to understand though that tobacco death's would include cigarettes and smokeless and chewing tobacco, they are definately bad. But if you could find some documentation that supports cigars are worse than weed I could then agree. But until then, I believe there is no way cigars are more unhelathy than weed just cause MOST people don't inhale cigars and most people who do the other do inhale. There is a lot more surface area in the lungs to absorb the carcinogens than there is in the mouth.
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