Originally Posted by Hick727
Alright I apologize to everyone on here. I obviously have made a terrible first impression. I have a confederate flag up cause my ancestors are from the south and because its a symbol of being a redneck. Im gonna stay on the forum but most of you wont hear from me very often. But i'll be around.
 for saying some mean and immature things to some of you but im not sorry for smoking weed. I dont know if any of you have ever do it but it rocks! And its healthier then cigars.
See you in 3 years. 
Obviously in your short time here you have learned a little bit. But seriously, this is a public forum, and you need to lay off the weed thing. What you do on your own time is your own business but stop proclaiming the wonders of weed. It is bad form to discuss illegal drugs on a forum dedicated to tobacco.