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Old 02-15-2010, 09:38 PM   #7
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Joya Cabinetta Series

Looks like I am behind the times. Actually I'm not surprised some of you have these sticks in your possession. You guys are nuttier than me. It'll probably be awhile before I see them around here but I will harass the locals with weekly phone calls until they arrive. Most of my locals have not even gotten any of the AF Rosados in yet and they have been out a while so I'll be sure not to hold my breathe waiting on these to show up on the shelves. One of the very few things I miss about no longer being in NY. Most of the locals had a full array of the latest and greatest and often times would be sold out by the time I found out about some of the new lines. There seems to be a bottle neck when it comes to some of these smokes making their way to the Charlotte area.
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