Originally Posted by systm
I would highly recommend bidding on some of the brand name 5ers on the sampler section of cBid. They have some great deals there although i would bid more then 15 for any but Pepin, definitely worth it. I would do that for 5 - 7 different ones and that should net you quite a few sticks to get to know your taste buds. Some brothers here stay clear of gurkhas, but they don't hurt to try.
If you want I can send you a 5'er of some of the sticks I have, if you can't seem to find anything.
Thanks for the offer. A couple of other guys are hooking me up with some samplers to get me rolling.
And a big thanks to all who have replied and helped. This is a great group of people. It is a shame we live all over this big ole world and can't sit down and enjoy one anothers company in person.