Almost ditched a good smoke.
Today I pulled out a Montecristo Churchill and headed outside. It started out really tight and flavorless. I thought it might improve but the difference in temp and humidity split it so I just set it down and walked away disappointed.
About 2 hours later I stepped out to cook my steaks. I saw the cigar sitting in the ashtray and decided to give it another try. I fired it up and after a few draws it was the same as earlier. Not wanting to give up on it I pulled out the cutter and lopped off about two inches and fired it up again. After several draws on this half of a churchill it was like an whole new cigar and very enjoyable.
I don't know if the first half was too tight or just affected by the temp/humidity difference. Maybe sitting outside for a short time without the heat of smoking let it draw better and not split again.
When planning to smoke in dramatic temp/humidity differences should the cigar be place in the intended smoking environment prior to smoking (assuming the humidity is not too high)?