Re: Beetle Prevention Question
Friend of mine just had an outbreak in his humidor and they keep their house frigid this time a year. I'm talking 67-68. Only thing in his humi was a box of Brazilias that he just recently picked up from JRs so I am wondering if the problem stemmed when in their possession.
I myself don't freeze but I do keep new sticks in quarantine for a few weeks before introducing them to my cabinet. Actually these days my quarantine humi has become my overflow/quarantine humi. May be seasoning an out of service humi soon to pick up the slack. Freezing my sticks just makes me nervous. I fear screwing it up and cracking wrappers, drying smokes out beyond repair etc. I do try and inspect at least once a month at a minimum. I also try and stock up in the winter months and usually lay low on purchases, especially online purchases in the warmer months just to avoid smokes being in transit in the high heat months.