Originally Posted by heelsfan729
Whats up Asylum?!?
This is my first post besides introducing myself in the Newbie thread. After searching/ reading the various beetle threads, I have a question for the seasoned vets out there...My humidor temp stays constant between 70 and 72, I know thats getting dangerously close to beetle territory, so my question is, if I freeze all my sticks, according to SilverFox's model, prior to going in the humidor, then temperature shouldn't be an issue because theoretically, all the eggs/larva would be killed correct?
Or maybe someone has some suggestions on possible ways to lower the internal temp of my humidor, i just tried moving it against an external wall of the apartment, well see how that goes.
Thanks for any and all answers, I've really enjoyed reading the plethora of different threads here.
This is correct for beetles and eggs and larvae but temperature isn't just a beetle issue. Having your sticks at 65% humidity and allowing temps to rise can cause mold issues ............... mold prefers warmer temperatures so as your temps rises your suceptability to mold also rises.