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Old 02-13-2010, 11:07 AM   #1655
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Default Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Vegan702 View Post
I bought this smaller Avanti about 3 days before the 28 bottle went on sale at Target off ebay for $50 shipped. I was debating on whether to keep it or get rid of it since I bought the larger one also, decided to keep it and put some drawers in it and use it for my Tatuaje stuff and the top drawer for singles, etc. and just use the larger one for box storage. In the larger one I may put a shelf and two drawers in it just to divide it up a little and make box retrieval a little easier and hoprefully get everything from my 120ct desktop into those 2 drawers. The drawers were made by waxingmoon.
Looks great! Gotta love that P Johnson collection!
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