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Old 02-12-2010, 09:50 AM   #285
Corona Cigars
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Default Re: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2

You get all 5 stars Jordan on spec ops? Anyways let me give you some tips for getting a'll be easiest with cold blooded if the other team uses UAV's OR if your team can hold the area you are hiding. As for killstreaks my current set up is: Harrier, Chopper Gunner, Nuke. Although I do love using the AC-130, I find the Chopper Gunner to give me on average a little bit more kills. Each is 40 seconds.

The AC-130 has 2 immediate flares for those who try and shoot you down, if you are quick enough you can spot them and take them out. The best thing is though, after a certain period of time those 2 flares come back and restock. You can switch between the weapons so you can cut the waiting reload time. The Chopper Gunner on the other hand has only 1 flare at all times, which is crappy because the enemy can shoot you down. But it's quick, unlimited ammo, it doesn't overheat, and there is some splash damage. The Chopper Gunner will fly close to the enemies for you on it's own, but sometimes you fly into a crappy area. It's a bit harder to use, but if you can pin them down to spawn in 1 area you are golden.

As for your next killstreak, I personally use the Harriers. It has 2 harriers that fly and drop bombs like the precision airstrike, but you get a harrier to fly in the spot you called it and use it's gun to take out enemies. It does not fly around in circles, it lasts 45 seconds and can be destroyed in 1 second. I personally like the airdrop, but I might change it after I finish it's prestige challenge.

The Attack Helicopter i will circle around the map and automatically attack enemies for 60 seconds and too can be destroyed with one stinger/javelin missile, but it's 15 seconds longer. I find that any of the level 7 killstreaks is the best way to reach the chopper gunner/ac-130, it's like your half-way point and it's much easier to get those 4 kills than to get 9 kills for the pavelow.

I think the stealth bombers are the worst overall, but great on some maps like Wasteland and great on some scenarios like Domination or Headquarters. The Pave Low lasts 60 seconds, it's just like the helicopter but has twice the armor and two turrets. This means the enemy needs a Stopping Powered or Danger Close missile to take it out and it has 1 flare.

Hopes this help those to get their nukes!
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