Thread: LOST Notes
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Old 02-11-2010, 11:35 AM   #308
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by weak_link View Post
Since I'm not quite up to speed I'm going to stick with "Oh Kate, let me count the ways I love thee." Except for the murdering psycho female part.
The "murdering psycho" part caught my mind last night as I was trying to drift off to sleep. In the flash "sideways" scenes, in this parallel universe or time line or whatever it is, things are different. Things are the same, but there are little differences. The differences started when the stewardess handed Jack one bottle of booze, not two. I think we saw the gravity of the situation when Hurley said that he was the luckiest man in the world and that nothing bad ever happened to him. Double you, tea, eff, my friend.

We get to this episode, and Claire asks Kate what she did to be hunted by the authorities. Kate asks Claire if Claire would believe her if she said she was innocent. Kate never tells Claire what happened, but I have to wonder if it's the same as it was in the original storyline; is "What Kate Does" different from "What Kate Did?" (Sorry, I just had to play on the episode titles like that ). I'd like to think that it is.
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