Originally Posted by white_s2k
Ben was all too "shocked" during the last few episodes of last season about all that was transpiring. I found that very weird, Ben is ALWAYS in control.. especially when we think he's not. Ben has basically disappeared these first two episodes of the season, and I get the feeling the writers want it that way. I think they have something big planned for Ben this season. What that is? Hell if I know 
Agreed: Ben was uncharacteristically out of control at the end of the last season. Then again, can we blame him? "Dead is dead," and yet there he is, standing right there after Ben choked the life out of him with his own two hands. Even Richard didn't know what to make of the situation. That would be enough to shake anybody, I'd say. Also it seems apparent that Ben had never seen an apparition of a dead person on the island, unlike the Losties who see Christian Shephard et. al. from time to time. So when the smoke monster showed Ben his dead daughter and that vision told Ben to follow Locke, I wouldn't really blame Ben's pants for being a little brown, nor would I be surprised at how much of a loss Ben finds himself.
I did like what I saw in Ben's eyes last episode (LAX, part 2) after the smoke monster killed Brahm et. al. Ben finally had enough pieces to start putting enough of it together to make a plan. We definitely haven't seen the last of this manipulator.