Originally Posted by TheRiddick
Does anyone think that Jacob's order to Hurley to take Sayid to the Temple is in some way leading to Jacob being "reincarnated" in Sayid's body? It happened to Locke somehow with Jacob's nemesis, and I am guessing that Jacob will use same trick now to get back at the Man in Black.
Well, it appears that Locke is very dead (on the island) and that the nemesis is simply taking the form of Locke in order to use his pull and gain Richard's trust (obedience?) in order to get an audience with Jacob.
I don't think that Jacob has set up Sayid to be his new body; I had entertained that thought prior to this most recent episode, but what Dogen said about Sayid being "claimed" makes me think otherwise. I do, however, think that Sayid is being set up to be some sort of savior for the island, and he may well end up being an envoy of Jacob's return.