Thread: LOST Notes
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Old 02-10-2010, 06:56 PM   #291
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by TheBeard View Post
We saw the same ring of ash encircling Jacob's cabin, and every time we saw this ash we were also shown a gap in the ash. Ilana and her crew pointed out that this meant that Jacob had not been in that cabin for some time (which, now makes me wonder if it's been the smoke monster who's been leading everyone on the island along, especially Locke, with visions of dead people). The reason for this ash was shown to us when the smoke monster attacked Brahm and the others: Apparently, Smokey can't cross that barrier.
Now, my question: If Smokey had been so near the Temple for so long, why wasn't there an ashen barrier in place to begin with? What was keeping him out of the Temple? What power does (did) Jacob have to keep Smokey at bay? If Jacob's cabin needed to be protected by ash, was his room "in the shadow of the statue" any different?
I've thought for some time that "Smokey" may have been trapped inside of Jacob's cabin, BY THE ASH. Perhaps he was confined to the cabin. ???
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