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Old 02-10-2010, 05:32 PM   #20
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Question for an electrician - HELP!

Thanks guys. I'm pretty sure that in this house it is anything but easy to figure out what the hell is going on. The kitchen is actually an addition built some 20 years after the house, and certainly wasn't built to code (the 5 inch sloping floors are the first clue).

There are very few outlets in the house. Based upon that I was thinking that it could be pretty straight forward, but it seems that the two breakers that overload control just about everything we have plugged in. The microwave/toaster aren't on the same breaker as the heaters. My computer, tv, video games, etc are on that one.

The heaters all seem to be on the same one though. We have two small and two large heaters (don't remember their amperage, but they do the job). We try not to have more than 2 on at any given time, but if two are on, and then the refrigerator cycles or something, we trip the breaker. Ideally I'd want to rewire the house with a larger box to spread them out more, but I don't have the couple of thousand dollars to do that, let alone the time and $$ to redo most of the interior walls.

I wish there were a quick/cheap solution, but alas, there never seems to be.

Thanks for all the help guys!
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