Thread: LOST Notes
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Old 02-09-2010, 09:18 PM   #288
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by TheBeard View Post
Now, my question: If Smokey had been so near the Temple for so long, why wasn't there an ashen barrier in place to begin with? What was keeping him out of the Temple? What power does (did) Jacob have to keep Smokey at bay? If Jacob's cabin needed to be protected by ash, was his room "in the shadow of the statue" any different?
I think it's quite clear after last week's episode that John Locke (or at least current living Locke) is also the smoke monster. Smokey/Locke is also the same guy that's sitting on the beach with Jacob in last season's finale watching Black Rock find the island.

Apparently, there are "rules" involved in the interaction between Jacob and Smokey/Locke/man in black. At least that's what they say in one recent episode. One of these rules is that Smokey/Locke/MIB cannot kill Jacob which is why he had to get Ben to kill him. So, I guess Jacob never really needed any protection from Smokey.
I think Pandora's box was actually a humidor!
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