Thread: CigarFest
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Old 02-08-2010, 03:55 PM   #20
Stinky Old Stogie
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Default Re: CigarFest

Originally Posted by ScottieM View Post
Hey, You sure as heck know more than I do about Putting together a website but do you really think that they intended screw up on such a massive scale? I'm sure the IT guys put that mess together are in DEEP SH** .

You say that the WEBSITE was the only way to get tickets before 8 am. I got my Tickets by calling them around 6. It was tough but after an hr of hitting redial I got through. By the time the site was fixed only a handful of General Admission's were left and that was around 615 AM I believe.
I didn't call because their hours are listed as starting at 8:00. And anyhow, for me, an hour of hitting redial just isn't worth it. This is a herf with 20 decent cigars, they aren't selling limited edition rare coins, for crying out loud. I didn't say they did it on purpose, but they sure f....d up by not debugging the website well ahead of time. At least with me, its not like they lost a regular customer or anything because I never cared for their catalog to begin with, but I'll bet they really ticked off a bunch of their regulars.
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