Thread: Scotch Q&A
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Old 02-08-2010, 03:00 AM   #175
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Default Re: Scotch Q&A

Originally Posted by BigCat View Post
I agree actually. I had the chance to try the 18 year in an airport bar in a state where liquor was a lot cheaper than Michigan. It was about $12 for a shot of the stuff. I was really let down. I thought the 12 was much better. I'd never claim expertise in the field of scotch, but I drink a lot of single malt and know what I like. I wouldn't spend the extra $75 for a bottle of the 18. I'll take the 12. Now glenlivit 18 year is dramatically better than glenlivit 12 in my taste, and the 18 is at least affordable for a nice scotch around here.
I agree on the Glenlivet. For the extra money, you are getting a lot more in terms of taste in the 18 y/o.
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