Originally Posted by Emjaysmash
Hmmm.. I'm guessing you like this tobacco, huh Greg? 
it's not too bad. a shame it was never officially made/released.
i found, what i believe to be, an internal factory sample tin of a blend that they never released. a curly cut Va/Per... the 100g tin was plain, but had an old rectangular sticker on the lid with the A&C Petersen crest, blend name and tinning date. wasn't something that could be sold anywhere, and they curlies were definitely smaller than Escudo... they were the same size as Three Nuns or something like that. different flavor from escudo as well, this was way more tangy, not nearly as much perique.
i waited for months on that tin on ebay. the guy was selling a large amount of tobacco for an older collector but everything was "buy it now" for insane amounts. finally, after months of nobody buying the 50+ tins the guy had up for auction, he took off the "buy it now" and made 'em real auctions. i nabbed it for $13 (instead of the $50+ he'd been asking). 100g tin from '97... only called "Curly Cut". i was sold.