I could have sworn that there was a thread on this already; but I guess I was mistaken.
Been hearing friends with Jersey connections talk about this mystery meat for years; but not being from Jersey, I've never seen it. Well, I was at my local Kroger here in north Texas last night, standing in line at the deli counter, and what did I see? A 3-pound log of Taylor Pork Roll. Texted DavenportESQ to verify that it should be thick cut, and ordered a third pound to sample.
After a brief tutorial over Facebook last night on how to properly prepare (don't forget the notches or it'll curl) and construct the TPR and egg sandwich (Toast, Ketchup, Pork Roll, Egg, Cheese, Toast), I had my hand at it this morning.
To all my Jersey brothers and sisters who I have challenged or mocked for their exuberant defenses of this log of porky goodness, please accept my sincerest apologies.
Taylor Pork Roll is, indeed, hella good.

I was gonna take a picture of the sandwich all constructed; but it was too tasty for me to pause and get the camera.
So glad this stuff is available locally.