Thread: Super Bowl
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Old 02-06-2010, 06:23 PM   #24
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Default Re: Super Bowl

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
Just got an email with this photo and thought of posting it here.

Here is what the email said:
Hurricane WhoDat is predicted to make landfall on the South Florida coast in the vicinity of Miami on 7 Feb 2010 at approximately 5:00 PM CST. This extremely powerful hurricane is expected to produce damaging Shockey waves and Category 5 Brees.

Reports from shipping indicate that this unstoppable storm has blown a huge flock of Cardinals all the way to Arizona , and that it has sunk a replica Viking longboat, the Brettigfǻvren. Livestock, in particular young horses, will be in severe danger of being decimated. Predictive damage estimates are unavailable at this time, but they are expected to be significant.

All interests in and near the Miami area are advised to prepare for a storm surge of catastrophic proportions as Hurricane WhoDat begins to arrive in approximately 2 days.
Originally Posted by Vigiles View Post
I don't think the colts have played any team of the same caliber of the saints in the playoffs. Jets? no. Ravens? yeah right!

The saints proved a lot to me by beating the vikings, and I think they will beat the colts too.

38-35 for the who dat nation.

(I am not a part of nor ever will be apart of said nation. Also, NFL, please don't sue me.)

I Like The Way You Two Think! Geaux Saints!
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