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Old 02-06-2010, 09:51 AM   #15
Adjusting to the Life
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Default Re: My favorite... and some other things

1) Smoking a nice cigar at my house in Italy on the porch. (I live in a little village on the mountains.) However, I am in Montreal now

2) Enjoy a smoke in Cuba, since last time I went there I became a Cigar-A-holic for the week.

3) At my friends house, playing cards or pool while having a few drinks and chitchatting.

4) Talking and relaxing at the same time.

5) Talking and relaxing. Hmm... these questions are similar lol.

6) My friends house, in the basement. We talk, play pool or cards, and occasionally look at his Harley's.

7) Barak Obama, Arnold Swartznegger (probably spelled that wrong) and My dad. (I can't convince him to quit cigarettes and have cigars.) Bummer.

8) Don't know too many specific people. As long as your cool, your in!

9) Sigmund Freud, Mark Twain and Winston Churchill.

10) I think a nice cruise would also be cool. We could smoke and sit around and enjoy the weather and time together. Anything works for me.
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