Thread: LOST Notes
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Old 02-05-2010, 01:23 PM   #282
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by TheBeard View Post
No way. The Others in the temple were legitimately surprised when Hurley told them that Jacob was dead. If the letter said anything about Jacob's death or return, they would have had that reaction (the scramble to get the defenses up) immediately.

It stands to reason that they did not intend to kill Sayid. They warned Jack that there would be risks in doing this, since the spring water was no longer clear (and, apparently, did not immediately heal the cut on the Japanese man's hand). They did what they were supposed to do and it did not work immediately. I'd like to believe that the spring water had enough power to heal Sayid but not enough to do it quickly; and so, the water kept Sayid's brain alive while it healed the rest of his body. His outward signs of life were gone, but he wasn't quite dead yet. Then again, what was the Japanese man sensing when he put his hand over Sayid's face and passed it down over his chest? And, did Miles sense that Sayid was or was not dead?

I'm looking forward to an awesome season
Good points. I re-watched the episode and realized that Miles did sense something. I think he knew that Sayid was still alive...
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