5. The Temple:
* Hurley picked up a book in the Temple tunnel by Søren Kierkegaard titled Fear and Trembling. This book challenges true believers to embrace the absurdity of faith. The book takes its title from a Bible quote, "Try to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Kierkegaard wrote the book under a pseudonym: Johannes de silentio - John The Silent.

* The guitar case... it's an ankh. We've seen it before... the statue holds one and Horace's wife had one which belonged to Paul. The symbol means eternal life. Jacob's lists have always been critical to LOST's story. Some theorize that the people listed by Jacob are the ones integral to the end game - without every single one of them, Jacob's final ending cannot be realized.
* We were told that the Dharma Initiative built the sonic fence to keep Smokey out, so we assumed he was on the side of the Hostiles/ Others. That does not seem to be the case, now. Why did Smokey become their enemy? What happened?
* Sayid coming back to life... we've always been told on this show that DEAD IS DEAD. So... ???
6. The Statue:
* Bram was impaled. The guy with the Dracula writer's name got a vampire death.
* Maybe now that Jacob is dead Richard will start aging? Flocke (fake Locke) says to Richard "Nice to you see you out of chains"... was Richard a slave on the Black Rock or was Flocke referring to Jacob's authority over Richard? Probably both.
* Ashes... from the episode "The Man Behind the Curtain" were the ashes around Jacob's cabin to protect Jacob who was allegedly inside or keep Flocke/ Smokey inside as a prisoner? Perhaps when the man inside the cabin said "Help Me" to Real Locke, he was manipulating Locke to help him escape. The first of the man times he uses Locke.
7. Remember when:
* When dripping wet, backwards talking Walt appeared in the jungle... does that now seem to suggest that he was coming from an alternative time line... The Sunken Island time line... to give the warning?
* So, season 2, after Walt is taken and Sawyer is shot, Sawyer's in the hatch with a fever. He says in his sleep "I loved her." Later, he grabs Kate and says "Why'd you kill me?" Perhaps he is speaking from a different time line that coincided with that one? Maybe when he said "I loved her" he was speaking of Juliet, and when he asked "why'd you kill me?" he was thinking of how Kate kills him... in the alternate reality we are now seeing in 2004???
* Richard told Sun that he saw the 1977 Losties all die? Will that ever be further explained or did he just see one of the realities in this whole mess?
8. A theory:
* From Doc Jensen, I believe. I thought this was interesting "The Island: the original and purest expression of the God idea, of God power. These ruins? The remains of those zealots who've attempted to claim, name, and tame this place over the centuries - those people the Man In Black spoke of last year: ''They come. They fight. They destroy. They corrupt. It always ends the same.''"