Please read. I have sad news.
This evening I received this email from one of our men in Afghanistan. I edited the names as I don't know who may know this man.
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO
Unfortunately several days ago we lost Captain Dan W**** to an IED explosion in the Southeastern part of Zabul, Afghanistan. *I know he loved the packages that you sent because he was definitely a cigar lover. *
1SG Anthony F**** will be leaving country soon so he has requested that if there are any more packages could you please send them to Captain Derek H**** at the same address. *Sir we thank you for your support and appreciate what you have done for us.
SFC (P) Matthew E. H****
Combined Team Zabul Operations SGM
To my knowledge this is the first time this has happened to one of our men that we send cigars to. I will provide more details as they become available.
God bless our men and women in harms way.
Last edited by pnoon; 02-04-2010 at 09:49 AM.
Reason: request of OP