Originally Posted by Professor Mike
Have you considered a cigar leaf pipe tobacco??????? I think that GLP Robusto has cigar leaf tobacco in it.
Prof. Mike 
Originally Posted by RevSmoke
Yes, I have tried a couple cigar blends; from C&D, McClellands, Hermit and McConnells. I am sure there are others out there. I even had one which I blended myself - tried this a couple times - MJ liked it, but I wasn't to wild about it.
More for me then!!
As for other cigar-pipe blends I have tried:
C&D BIlly Budd
Habana Daydream
McClellands Dominican Old Glory (My favorite of the cigar-pipe tobacco genre so far)
... there are others but I forget.
Originally Posted by RevSmoke
Personally, I have found cigar leaf in pipe tobacco completely out of place. When I want a cigar, I grab a cigar, not my pipe. The experience and tastes are completely different.
I started with English blends, moved to pipe blends with cigar leaf, and now am starting to enjoy the fine world of virginias. What Todd says is true, though. I dont smoke pipes to taste cigars, I smoke cigars to taste cigars. Sometimes you just need a pipe to taste like a pipe.