Thread: LOST Notes
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Old 02-02-2010, 12:56 PM   #262
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Default Re: LOST Notes

 What's causing pregnant women to die on the island?

 Amy Goodspeed was able to carry her baby to full term and deliver successfully, so the problem that present-day Others have with bearing children is something that started after 1977. When did this pregnancy problem start?


 Where is the island's volcano?

 When in the island's past did it erupt?

 Is the volcano now dormant?


 According to psychic Richard Malkin, "danger surrounds" Aaron, and he requires her protection and influence as he grows. Why? What did Malkin see in Claire's reading? What was so dire about Aaron's future that Malkin would go to extreme lengths to arrange for Claire to be on Oceanic 815, to ensure that she alone would raise her son?

 Why was Miles so interested in Claire? Did something about her set off his abilities as a medium? Is Claire dead, having not survived the explosion of her house at the Barracks?

 What's become of Claire? Why did she go with Christian to Jacob's cabin, and leave her baby behind?

 Why didn't Christian want Locke to tell anybody he saw Claire at the cabin? Why does Claire's status need to be kept a secret?

 Why did Claire tell Kate not to bring Aaron back to the island?

 How and when did Richard originally come to the island?

 What did Jacob do to Richard to cause him to stop aging?

 How old is Richard?

 Why was Libby a patient at Santa Rosa Mental Hospital?

 Why did Libby hide the fact that she was at Santa Rosa from Hurley -- and that she remembered him from there? Did she have ulterior motives for her budding relationship with him?

 Was Desmond's chance encounter with Libby really so random? She was awfully trusting and willing to believe in a man she didn't know and give him her husband's boat. Was there more to this meeting than it seems?


 Who is Ilana? What is her history with Jacob?

 What happened to Ilana in the past, that gave her a severe head wound? How did she fully recover? Jacob?

 What did Jacob need Ilana's help with?


 Why does Dr. Chang go by a different name in every Dharma Orientation video?

 Chang selected the site of the Orchid station, based on his knowledge of the pocket of
"unlimited power" beneath the site. How did he know ahead of time where to build
the Orchid?

 Did Chang recognize the wooden wheel buried beneath the Orchid station when he saw it on the sonar? Does he know what it is, and who put it there?

 Is Pierre Chang really dead in the present? Did he die on the island? Did he die in the Purge?


 How is Eloise able to know the future?

 Why was Eloise in a photo on Brother Campbell's desk? How do they know each other?

 What did Eloise mean when she said the island "isn't finished yet" with Desmond?

 Eloise was once the leader of the Others, so why did she leave the island?

 Why does Eloise now live at the church where the Lamp Post station is housed?

 Why would Eloise send her son to the island, knowing that he would die by her own hand? What could be so vitally important to the fate of the island that Eloise would sacrifice her own son to see it done?

 Eloise said to Penny, "For the first time in a long time, I don't know what's going to happen next." If she's able to see the future, why has she suddenly lost that ability?

 If Matthew Abaddon is the reason Locke went to Australia for his walkabout, and Abaddon works for Widmore... does this mean that Widmore knew Oceanic 815 was going to crash on the island, and he arranged for Locke to be on it?

 The Oceanic Airlines employees take orders from Widmore. Does he own Oceanic?

 Charles Widmore knew of Paik Industries and even mentioned that he played golf regularly with Sun's father. Are these two powerful men merely business associates, or do they share a deeper connection (such as an interest in the island, perhaps)?


 Who is responsible for Nadia's death? Widmore? Ben? Was it just a random crime?

 Who was the man stationed outside of Santa Rosa Mental Institute, watching Hurley? Who did he work for?

 Who were the men waiting at Sayid's hotel room, intent on killing him and Hurley? Who did they work for?

 How is Walt "different "? What's the extent of his abilities?

 What became of Ben's childhood friend Annie? Was she killed during the Purge, or had she left the island by then?

 Harper insinuated that Juliet was favored by Ben because she "looked just like her." Which "her" was Harper referring to? Ben's mother? His childhood friend Annie?

 If Frank Lapidus was originally supposed to be the pilot of Oceanic 815, why was he replaced by Seth Norris?
I'm not antisocial, I just think people are stupid.
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