Thread: LOST Notes
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Old 02-02-2010, 12:46 PM   #261
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Default Re: LOST Notes


 How did the Black Rock get beached so far inland on the island?

 A journal belonging to the Black Rock's first mate found its way to Madagascar after the ship wrecked on the island. How did it get there?

 Tovard Hanso found the Black Rock journal in Madagascar and kept its contents secret for over a century. Is this journal how Alvar Hanso found out about the island, and decided to send the Dharma Initiative there?

 Why did the Hanso family suddenly decide to sell the Black Rock journal (which Charles Widmore purchased at auction) in 1996, after years of keeping it a family secret?

 Richard Alpert constructed a model of a ship in a bottle that looked like the Black Rock. Does he have a connection to the Black Rock? Was he one of its crewmembers?


 Does "the Incident" refer to the electromagnetic pocket being breeched, or the hydrogen bomb being detonated? Or both?

 What happened when Juliet detonated the hydrogen bomb? Did it reset time? Did it destroy the island?

 How did Richard watch Jack, Kate, Hurley, Jin, Sawyer, Juliet, and Miles die? Did he witness the hydrogen bomb explosion?


 What is the purpose of the Temple? What happens there? Is it for worshiping something or someone?

 Who built the Temple, and when?

 Why is the Temple a secret to be kept from outsiders?

 What happened to young Ben when Richard carried him inside the Temple? Why did it cause Ben's memory to be erased and his innocence to be lost?


 Why did the Others wipe out the Dharma Initiative? Relations between the two groups were always tense, but what pushed the Others to take an action as extreme as massacre?


 Does the Dharma Initiative still exist today, off the island?

 Who is the "very clever fellow" working for the Dharma Initiative who figured out how to find the island and built the Lamp Post station?

 Is it mere coincidence that the Dharma Initiative built the Barracks over the place where the Others buried the hydrogen bomb?


 Who made the Dharma food drop?

 How often do the food drops take place?

 The Swan station went into lockdown mode coinciding with the timing of the food drop. Why would the Swan need to be locked down when a food drop was being conducted?

 Locke suggested that the Swan was locked down so that the Dharma workers couldn't see who was dropping the food palette. Is this the reason for the lockdown? If so, why would the source of the food drop want to remain anonymous?

 Was Eko right about the salted circle on the ground above the Pearl station being made a visible target for planes to see? Could the circle be the intended target of the Dharma food drops?
I'm not antisocial, I just think people are stupid.
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