Re: LOST Notes
What is the smoke monster?
Is the monster technological or supernatural?
Why does the monster kill certain people -- like Mr. Eko, Captain Norris of Oceanic 815, and Nadine of the French science expedition -- while leaving others it encounters alive? What's different about those it kills?
The monster sometimes calls up images of peoples' pasts before it passes judgment on them. (We've seen it do this with Eko, Juliet, and Ben.) How is the monster able to do this?
What exactly happened to Montand and the other Frenchmen beneath the Temple? Did the monster change them, as Danielle believed? Did it kill them and take their place?
How did draining the water out of that tiny hole below Ben's house summon the smoke monster? Who built the monster-summoning water hole there to begin with?
Since we've seen other dead people (like Locke) on the island before, such as Alex Rousseau and Yemi, who very likely were the smoke monster taken human form, does this mean that the Man in Black is the smoke monster? Could they be one and the same?
Why are there Egyptian-style hieroglyphs all over the island? Who put them there?
Why was an enormous statue of an Egyptian fertility goddess (Tawaret) erected on the island? And why did Jacob choose to live beneath it? Did Jacob build it, or was someone else responsible? When was it built, and when & how was it destroyed?
Is there a link between the Exit's location in Tunisia and the island's Egyptian influences?
Who are the Adam & Eve skeletons? Are they characters we know?
How did they die? Was it, as the castaways guessed, forty to fifty years ago?
Why was one of them carrying two stones, one white and one black? THE NUMBERS (4 8 15 16 23 42)
Are the Numbers really cursed? Do they have power?
Who sent the transmission from the island heard by Leonard Sims and Sam Toomey at the Navy listening post in the Pacific? And why? (This was the same transmission heard by Danielle's science team, which lured them toward the island.)
What are the Whispers?
The Whispers always seem to precede an appearance by the Others or the smoke monster. What's the connection?
I'm not antisocial, I just think people are stupid.