Re: LOST Notes
Who is Jacob, and how did he come to be on the island?
Who is the Man in Black, aka Jacob's Nemesis?
How did Jacob and the Man in Black come to be on the island?
What's the nature of Jacob and the Man in Black's yin/yang-type relationship? And why can't they kill each other?
Can Jacob see the future? (He went to Ilana's bedside and asked her to help him, and he also ordered the Hydra Island runway built. The logical conclusion is that the runway was needed because he knew Ilana would be coming to the island via Ajira 316.)
Jacob is apparently responsible for bringing everyone to the island that gets to it. How does Jacob bring people to the island?
Why did Jacob touch so many of the castaways in the past? Why did he choose them, and what did his touch cause to happen? Is he the reason they escaped the crash of Oceanic 815 without harm?
Did Jacob touch anyone else in the same way?
Why did Jacob give Hurley a guitar case to bring back to the island? What's inside it?
Why does the Man in Black want to kill Jacob?
If Jacob hasn't been living in the cabin, who has? The Man in Black? Is this who Ben and Locke encountered the day they visited the cabin?
How did the Man in Black take on Locke's form? Can he assume the form of anyone he wants, or does it have to be a dead person?
What all did the Man in Black "go through" to get to Jacob?
Who was Jacob referring to when he warned the Man in Black that "they're coming"?
Who or what is Christian Shephard? Does he really speak for Jacob, or is he an instrument of the Man in Black?
I'm not antisocial, I just think people are stupid.
Last edited by Mugen910; 02-02-2010 at 12:43 PM.