Originally Posted by RevSmoke
Yeah, I caught you looking. You're thinking, "Rev, the what's-your-favorite-cigar" has been done to death."
1) What is your dream (it'll never happen, but it is nice to dream) situation for enjoying a cigar? (place, people, drink, whatever it may be that makes it your favorite)On my ocean worthy sailboat, cruising the Caribbean, with my wife and a few family members, Pilsner Urquell one hand, Don Tomas Clasico in the other!
2) What is your dream situation (it happens occasionally, just waiting for the next time) for enjoying a cigar? (place, people, drink, whatever it may be that makes it your favorite)A beautiful summer afternoon, on the course with friends or family, and I am under my handicap!
3) What is your favorite place to enjoy a smoke? On our east facing deck on a warm evening in the shade.
4) What is your favorite thing to be doing while enjoying a good cigar? Have a beer, talking with the wife or reading a good book.
5) What is your usual pasttime while enjoying a cigar? Reading or letting my mind wander.
6) What is your usual place to enjoy a smoke? In the summer, the golf course, in the winter, my garage.
7) Name 3 people (living) w/whom you'd like to enjoy a cigar?Bill Gates, Bruce Springsteen, Colin Powell
8) Name 5 people from CA w/whom you'd like to herf. Haven't been here long enough to narrow it down. Right now you are all in!
9) Name 3 people (no longer living) w/whom you'd like to enjoy a smoke. My grandfather, Einstein, Lincoln
10) If we could get all of CA together for a herf, what would be your idea of a great herf (site, activities, drinks, cigars, etc... be as descriptive as you can)? I think a cruise would be a blast! Besides the activities on the boat, light up on all the excursions as well. Instead of an ice sculpture in the dining room, you could have a pyramid of Pepin's best selection!