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Old 11-18-2008, 09:09 AM   #61
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Default Re: Blackberry Storm

Originally Posted by spincycle View Post
I used to work at RIM and still have many friends that work there. I've used the Storm and have a Bold right now. I like the large screen and slick interface of the storm, but I type often and fast with my Blackberry, and the storms screen just doesn't allow of the kind of email volume I have. I typically type about 50-100 emails a day from my BB and I found the click screen difficult to type on at speed. Better than an iPhone, but not the same as a dedicated keyboard.

Bottom line, if I didn't type lots of email I'd get the Storm. The screen is sexy and interface slick, but because I'm an email fiend, I need a keyboard and the Bold works great.

word, that's what i've been telling most people but the majority will sacrifice speed for the "coolness" factor. i'm pretty quick with my pearl keypad. faster than most with a full one.
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