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Old 02-01-2010, 09:05 AM   #134
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Default Re: The biggest waste of money cigar for 2009

Originally Posted by bigheadmark View Post
alright, here it goes...
I purchased like 12 Pinar Del Rios from FSS over two months ago...they came in a sampler...there were exclusivos, Havana and Oscuro..
They were soaking wet when i got them, so I dry boxed for a few days, and smoked a few..most of which I ended up being tossed after less than an inch into the cigar..
So, I thought, "maybe they're still too wet" so i put the remainder in my humidor and let them sit for a couple months at 65% RH..
I tried smoking a Havana, actually two of them, and I swear, I thought that maybe the wrappers and binders were treated with a flame retardant!!
they would not burn! I had to touch them up about every two minutes...
The aroma was good, but they wouldn't burn...!!!
the oscuro had the same problems.
the exclusivo did not have the burn issues, but I rate that cigar as mediocre at best.
Haha, sounds like my issue too... Bought two fivers after hearing so much about them and the price was great at Famous... Had a great taste, just couldn't get the dumb wrapper to agree with me. Dryboxed one for a few days and it was a bit better, but still annoying. Months later after sitting, they're smoking ok. Got one left, but doubt I'll revisit once it is gone. Not a bad smoke at all if you can get it working right, though can't tell you when that will be!
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