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Old 01-31-2010, 11:02 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
Default Re: My favorite... and some other things

1) What is your dream (it'll never happen, but it is nice to dream) situation for enjoying a cigar? (place, people, drink, whatever it may be that makes it your favorite)

I am not much of a dreamer.

2) What is your dream situation (it happens occasionally, just waiting for the next time) for enjoying a cigar? (place, people, drink, whatever it may be that makes it your favorite)

I enjoy having drinks and cigars ANYWHERE with the BABOTL.

3) What is your favorite place to enjoy a smoke?

On my back patio on a summer night.

4) What is your favorite thing to be doing while enjoying a good cigar?

Watching a movie, chatting with friends, and throwing the ball for my dog.

5) What is your usual pasttime while enjoying a cigar?

Same as #4.

6) What is your usual place to enjoy a smoke?

My garage or back porch.

7) Name 3 people (living) w/whome you'd like to enjoy a cigar?

Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, and Jay-Z.

8) Name 5 people from CA w/whom you'd like to herf.

SmokeyJoe, Kelmac07, Cort, DPD6030, and Gkitty.

9) Name 3 people (no longer living) w/whom you'd like to enjoy a smoke.

My Grandpa Darrell, Benjamin Franklin, and John J. Pershing.

10) If we could get all of CA together for a herf, what would be your idea of a great herf (site, activities, drinks, cigars, etc... be as descriptive as you can)?

Drinks, Cigars, Booze on a big cruise ship. Nothing but CA members enjoying the waterslides, casino games, sunshine, and fun.
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